
Opengreen > Products > Biosprint


Antistress and growth activator



BIOSPRINT is a bioinductor of plant growth obtained with an extraction, concentration, and hydrolysis and solubilization process of noble high – protein vegetable substances. Due to its particular composition, BIOSPRINT has a dual action: complexing agent of nutritional elements, biostimulant of plant metabolism.

The complexing action increases the availability of nutrients present in the soil or spreads through fertigation or leaf fertilization efficiency. The action is carried out both by foliar and radical absorption:

  • Improve root system developmentReduces transplantation stress
  • Improves resistance to stress caused by weathering and pathogens
  • Anticipate the production
  • Fruit size implementation
  • Improves organoleptic qualities (color, flavor, sugary, content, etc.)
  • Improves the shelf life of the cropIncreases the proteins of cereals

This action is carried out by increasing, in a balanced way, photosynthetic activity, protein synthesis, synthesis of vegetable hormones (auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, etc.) and regulating production enzymes and plant defence mechanisms to atmospheric and parasitic adversities.

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Biopromotor of the production vegetable activity


Free levodopa (aspartic acid, thiamine, serine, proline, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, methionine, valine, isoleucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysine, and arginine), polypeptides, enzymes, carbohydrates, vitamins, and macro and meso elements.


FRUIT: increase and improve production: apply three or more leaf applications from the filling phases to step. Foliar applications 200-250 cc/hl; fertigation 30 l/ha.

ORTICULTURE AND FLORICULTURE: overcoming transplant stress: perform localized fertigation immediately after transplantation.
Advance and improvement of production: apply leaf and-or fertigation applications at regular intervals period of maximum growth. Foliar applications 200-250 cc/hl; fertigation 2-4 l/1000 sq. M.

STRAWBERRY: Transplant stress overcoming: perform two interventions in distiller fertility 10-15 days immediately after transplant.
Advance and improvement of production: foliar application and fertigation at regular intervals starting from the vegetative recovery. Foliar application 250-300 cc/hl; fertigation 2-4 /1000 sq.M.


From the issuing of the flag leaf, foliar application at 2-4 Kg/ha. Increases proteins and specific weight.
Foliar application at 4 Kg/ha from the fourth leaf onwards.

ARTICHOKE: advances and improvement of production: make three or more leaf applications spaced 8-10 days starting from the stage of formation of the first heads. Foliar application 2550-300 cc/hl.

LIVES: Improved production and sugar level: make three or more leaf applications spaced of 15-20 days beginning with the prefix phase. Leaf applications 3-4 l/ha.

ALL HORSES: overcoming stress caused by atmospheric adversities: make 2 foliar application spaced 7-8 days to normalize of atmospheric conditions. Foliar application 400-500 cc/hl.

Miscibility: BIOSPRINT is miscible with all leafy fertilizers and commonly used fertilizers.
It is however advisable to carry out preliminary tests for use in blend with other formulations.