
Opengreen > Products > Livingland



Fertilizzante organico/biopromotore di nuova concezione. Livingland permette di espletare una maggiore attività a livello della rizosfera, grazie alla produzione di sostanze utili all’attività di assimilazione della pianta. Grazie alle sue componenti, questo prodotto migliora l’attività del suolo, stimola l’attività della microfauna batterica nel suolo, migliora lo stato fisico del terreno, aumentando la circolazione dell’aria.

COLTURE: su tutte le colture.



LIVINGLAND is a newly conceived organic bio-fertilizer. Through careful control of the presence of useful bacteria and fungi, such as Streptomyces and Trichoderma, LIVINGLAND promotes activity at the rhizosphere level thanks to the production of substances useful for plant assimilation. The presence of Azospirillum Brasiliense, heterotrophic bacteria able to associatively fix nitrogen by exploiting root exudates, and of Bacillus Megaterium, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, further improve nutrient assimilation.

With a noble organic matrix, characterized by a high quality of organic carbon, a high rate of humification and an optimal carbon/nitrogen ratio, LIVINGLAND achieves optimal performance, restoring biological, physical and chemical soil fertility. The real novelty of this product is in using organic matrices that enhance the activity of humic acids, bacteria, catalyst resins, waterretentioners (substances with a great water retention capability) and microelements such as zinc and copper. All these components, through synergistic action, contribute to various beneficts to crops, such as:

• Improvement in soil activity
• Strong development of root systems
• Stimulation of the physical state of the soil, increasing air circulation
• Improvement of the physical state of the soil, increasing air circulation
• Increase in water retention and storage capacity
• Greater availability of soil elements (allowing a reduction in mineral fertilization).

LIVINGLAND is free from nematodes, salmonella and coliforms, and is fully compliant with legislation regarding heavy metal content.

Other informations on this product are available only for registered and logged in users. To have more informations log in or register now.

Organic/ high water retention bioinducer

Organic carbon (C) of biological origin DM25%
Fulvic humic acids of DM7%
Organic nitrogen (N) of DM 2%
C/N ratio12
Total copper (Cu) of DM130 mg/Kg
Total zinc (Zn) of DM210 mg/Kg
Salinity6,30 dS/m

Raw materials: mixture composed of plant materials; bovine, poultry and equine manure


From 800 to 1200 Kg/ha – according to requirements on all crops.

300 Kg for hectare before sowing wheat.


Due to the presence of active bacteria (aerobic bacterial load 883.240.000 UFC/gr; anaerobic bacterial load 70.020.000 UFC/gr), use is not recommended in case of temperatures tending to 0°or higher than 40°.

Allowed in Organic Farming

Compliance with EC Re. NO. 834/2007 of 28 June 2007


LIVINGLAND is a newly conceived organic bio-fertilizer. Through careful control of the presence of useful bacteria and fungi, such as Streptomyces and Trichoderma, LIVINGLAND promotes activity at the rhizosphere level thanks to the production of substances useful for plant assimilation. The presence of Azospirillum Brasiliense, heterotrophic bacteria able to associatively fix nitrogen by exploiting root exudates, and of Bacillus Megaterium, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, further improve nutrient assimilation.

With a noble organic matrix, characterized by a high quality of organic carbon, a high rate of humification and an optimal carbon/nitrogen ratio, LIVINGLAND achieves optimal performance, restoring biological, physical and chemical soil fertility. The real novelty of this product is in using organic matrices that enhance the activity of humic acids, bacteria, catalyst resins, waterretentioners (substances with a great water retention capability) and microelements such as zinc and copper. All these components, through synergistic action, contribute to various beneficts to crops, such as:

• Improvement in soil activity
• Strong development of root systems
• Stimulation of the physical state of the soil, increasing air circulation
• Improvement of the physical state of the soil, increasing air circulation
• Increase in water retention and storage capacity
• Greater availability of soil elements (allowing a reduction in mineral fertilization).

LIVINGLAND is free from nematodes, salmonella and coliforms, and is fully compliant with legislation regarding heavy metal content.

Other informations on this product are available only for registered and logged in users. To have more informations log in or register now.

Organic/ high water retention bioinducer

Organic carbon (C) of biological origin DM25%
Fulvic humic acids of DM7%
Organic nitrogen (N) of DM 2%
C/N ratio12
Total copper (Cu) of DM130 mg/Kg
Total zinc (Zn) of DM210 mg/Kg
Salinity6,30 dS/m

Raw materials: mixture composed of plant materials; bovine, poultry and equine manure


From 800 to 1200 Kg/ha – according to requirements on all crops.

300 Kg for hectare before sowing wheat.


Due to the presence of active bacteria (aerobic bacterial load 883.240.000 UFC/gr; anaerobic bacterial load 70.020.000 UFC/gr), use is not recommended in case of temperatures tending to 0°or higher than 40°.

Allowed in Organic Farming

Compliance with EC Re. NO. 834/2007 of 28 June 2007