Naxos 5.10.15 S

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Naxos 5.10.15 S

Concime organo minerale. Grazie alla protezione da parte della sostanza organica dell’elemento potassio, si ottiene un prodotto eccellente dal punto di vista qualitativo, anche in considerazione del fatto che il potassio contenuto è interamente da solfato e pertanto NAXOS è un concime a basso tenero di cloro. L’aggiunta di Magnesio altamente solubile, garantisce una migliore attività fotosintetica, prevenendone le carenze.

COLTURE: ortive in generale, vite, pesco, albicocco, susino, ciliegio, actinidia, melo, pero, agrumi, nocciolo, pomodoro, peperone, melanzana, zucchino, floricole, mais, sorgo, grano tenero e duro, orzo.



NAXOS 5.10.15 S is an organic-mineral fertilizer, designed with a specific nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium formulation, to be used both as a basal fertilizer for industrial crops and, due to its special composition, as an excellent fertilizer for crops such as fruit, vines and vegetables, where the contribution of high quality fertilizer is essential for quality and yield. Added to nitrogen and phosphorus, protected and yielded gradually by the organic matter, is a high potassium content, which favours fruit preservability, taste, sugar concentration and color, thus enhancing the quality of the final product. A high quality product is achieved thanks to the preservation of potassium by the organic component and considering the fact that the potassium content derives entirely from sulphate, meaning that NAXOS is a low chlorine fertilizer. The addition of highly soluble magnesium ensures better photosynthetic activity and the prevention of deficiencies.

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Containing Sulphur and magnesium “low chlorine”.

Total nitrogen (N)5%
Organic nitrogen (N)1%
Ammonium nitrogen (N)4%
Total phosphoric anhydride (P2O5)10%
Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in ammonium citrate and water10%
Potassium oxide (K2O) soluble in water15%
Sulphoric anhydride (SO3) soluble in water16%
Total magnesium oxide (MgO) soluble in water2%
Organic origin carbon (C)7.5%

ORGANIC COMPONENTS: dried bovine and poultry manure.

MINERAL COMPONENTS: ammonium sulphate, diammonium phosphate, potassium sulphate, kieserite.


CropsPeriod / MethodDose
Vegetables in generalPre-sowing, pre-replanting or coverage400-800 Kg/ha
VinesEnd of winter or post-harvest300-600 Kg/ha
PeachEnd of winter or post-harvest300-600 Kg/ha
Apricot, plumEnd of winter or post-harvest300-600 Kg/ha
CherryEnd of winter or post-harvest300-600 Kg/ha
KiwiEnd of winter or post-harvest400-800 Kg/ha
AppleEnd of winter or post-harvest400-800 Kg/ha
PearEnd of winter or post-harvest400-800 Kg/ha
CitrusEnd of winter or post-harvest300-600 kg/ha
HazelnutEnd of winter or post-harvest400-800 Kg/ha
Tomato, pepper, aubergine, courgettePre-sowing, pre-replanting or coverage1000-1200 Kg/ha
FlowersSeveral times during growth100-200 Kg/1000 mq
Corn, sorghumPre-sowing400-600 Kg/ha
Durum e common wheat, barleyPre-sowing300-600 Kg/ha