
Opengreen > Products > Nemokid




Consente lo sviluppo dell’apparato radicale. Il prodotto consente anche lo sviluppo di microrganismi del suolo in particolare lo sviluppo di funghi che prediligono tutto ciò che è ricco di proteina.

COLTURE: colture in pieno campo ed in serra, Colture arboree, Vivaio e colture fuori suolo.



NEMOKID allows the development of the radical apparatus. The product also allows the development of soil microorganisms, in particular the development of fungi that prefer all that prefer all that is rich in protein, at concentrations of over 108 U.F.C./g, among these, especially in sandy, water-rich soils, and in periods with growing or already sufficiently high temperatures, there are wild mushrooms of the genus Pochonia chlamydosporia, Arthrobotrys oligospora, and so on. In these soils we have noticed a low presence of nematodes and their eggs. The fungi of the pochonia species also stimulate the development of the radical apparatus (“micorrizosimile effect”).

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CROPS IN THE OPEN AND IN THE GREENHOUSE: 2-3 kg/ha. Prior to concomitant sowing transplant administration, repeat the treatment after 2-3 weeks and further depending on the crop cycle and climatic conditions. NEMOKID can also be used with homogeneous crops.

ARBOREE CULTURES: Immerse the root system before transplantation into a suspension at a concentration of 100-200 g/10 liters.

NURSERY AND SOIL CULTIVATION: Administered in substrates at 100-200 g/mc Mode: apply by irrigation, aspiration, fertirrigation, injector poles.

In compliance with Legislative Decree N° 75/2010
SPECIFIC ACTION PRODUCT Inoculation of micoric mushrooms

Type of organic ammendants: simple non-composted plant modifier

Content in Micorizze1%
Content in rhizosphere bacteria (PGPR)10(8) u.f.c./g

Other components: the product does not contain genetically modified organisms not pathogenic organisms (salmonella, fecal coliform, aerobic mesophile, nematodes eggs).

The product is stable at ordinary temperatures and pressures. Store at temperatures between 4°C and 30°C. The product is not combustible.

Raw materials: inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi.


Conservation and shelf life: In a cool place shelf life is 2 years old.

Limitations of liability and warnings: The analyzes are related to the source product. Do not swallow. In case of contact, wash thoroughly with drinking water. Limited compatibility with fungicides. We do not accept any liability form damage caused to improper use or non conformance to the correct agronomic practice.


Fertilizer in compliance with Legislative Decree N° 75/2010 of 29 April 2010

Authorized in organic farming

According to EC Regulation N° 834/2007 of 28 June 2007