SUPERMICRO is a mixture of fully chelated microelements, which act in a synergistic way to solve the multiple plant micro calves. For its formulation, the best chelating agents were chosen for each element. This makes it particularly effective even in the most difficult conditions, thanks also to its excellent solubility and the rate of absorption and translocation in plant tissue. SUPERMICRO is suitable for leaf applications, soil applications and fertigation applications. It use is recommended in horticulture, floriculture, fruit growing and industrial crops in all cases of apparent and hidden shortage of microelements, and in particular in difficult situations of absorption of microelements due to the difficult socio-chemical conditions of the soil (high pH, Salinity, imbalance between elements, etc.) or in situations of vegetative stress. Near the collection, it greatly improves the organoleptic characteristics of production (color, taste, and odor) and the preservability of fruits.
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Fertilizer basic of microelements
Boron (B) soluble in water | 1,30% |
Cobalt (Co) soluble in water and completely EDTA chelated by | 0,04% |
Copper (Cu) soluble in water and wholly chelated with EDTA | 0,45% |
Iron (Fe) soluble in water and entirely chelated with EDTA | 1,75% |
Manganese (Mn) soluble in water and wholly chelated with EDTA | 2,20% |
Water soluble Molybdenum (Mo) | 0,09% |
Zinc (Zn) soluble in water and wholly chelated with EDTA | 1,30% |
Culture | Foliar | Fertirrigation |
Horticulture and floriculture | 100 - 200 g/Hl | 1 - 2 g/mq |
Fruit | 100 - 200 g/Hl | 50 - 100 g/plant |
Viticulture | 200 - 300 g/Hl | 40 - 80 g/plant |
Strawberries | 100 - 200 g/Hl | 2 - 3 g/plant |
Industrial crops, cereals | 200 - 300 g/Hl | 3 - 5 kg/Ha |
SUPERMICRO is compatible with the most common leaf and fertilizer excluding white oils, zolfi products and reaction products alkaline. However, it is recommended to perform preliminary tests before using the product in blend with other formulations. In leaf applications you can it is advisable to effect the treatments in the coolest hours of the days. Use small dosages in a protected environment.
Foliar treatment
Recommended. Applicable also with U.L.V.
Radical treatment and fertirrigation
Drop by drop treatment
EC Fertilizer
Compliance to the Reg. CE n. 2003/2003 of October 13th
Authorized in organic farming
According to EC Regulation N° 834/2007 of 28 June 2007